By: AP On: 4 January 2019

Working out can cause your body to experience hot flushes, dizziness, pains and strains. So how do you know if your body is telling you to stop or to keep going?
This is typically caused by overdoing your workout or exercising on an empty stomach. This is because your blood is rushing to your muscles and away from your head. If this happens, sit with your head in between your legs to get the blood back into your brain faster. To help prevent this, ease into new workouts and find your limits.
Worry When
If the dizziness doesn’t go away within an hour after exercise, their might be something else to blame. To be on the safe side consult your GP.
Joint Pain
This can be caused by moving too quickly between exercises or using weights that are too heavy. To prevent injury use lighted weights with high repetition and don’t use heavier weights until you are ready. Stretch before, during and after your workout and target areas that are prone to straining pain.
Worry When
Apply ice and take an anti-inflammatory if your joins are hurting. If the pain hasn’t subsided after 3 days it might be a good idea to visit your GP.
Stomach Pain
Experiencing a stitch while running usually indicates you’ve started exercising to soon after a meal or you’ve drunk some fluid too quickly. To help ease a stitch; while jogging lean on the side you feel the stitch and “touch” your toe.
If you are experiencing menstrual cramps, then ease back on your workout and stick to something light. Avoid abdominal based exercises as this can intensify the pain.
Worry When
There are many causes to stomach pains, and you need to assess how server the pain is. If the pains you are experiencing don’t go away after an hour of your workout consider consulting your doctor.
Headaches & Nausea
Low blood sugar and thirst are the main causes to an uneasy tummy and headache. To prevent this have a protein or complex carb before your workout eg, banana, supplement shake. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and during your workout. If you are still experiencing a headache it could mean you are pushing yourself to hard, so stop your workout and leave it for tomorrow.
Worry When
If you have a headache before your workout, continue to drink plenty of water and slow down. If you don’t usually experience headaches during your workouts and it doesn’t subside after 15-30 minutes or you vomit, it might pay to consult your GP.
Muscle Cramps
If you experience a cramp during your workout, stop, stretch, massage the area and walk around before continuing. If your muscle continues to be sore days later it’s likely you caused small muscle fibres to tear. This is actually good, as it means your muscles will heal stronger and isn’t a cause of training too hard, it just means your getting fitter. To prevent this from happening remember to stretch before, during and after your workout.
Worry When
Muscle soreness shouldn’t last longer then a week. If it does and your muscles are swollen or bruised it could mean you have injured yourself. Organise an appointment with your doctor.
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