By: AP On: 4 January 2019

Have you thought about doing weight training to tone up and get fit but are unsure where to start? The below workout is for beginners and focuses on the mid chest section.
Decline Barbell Bench Press –Recommended: 3 Sets – 4-6 Reps
Muscles worked: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment: Barbell, Decline Weight Bench, Weight Plates
- Secure your legs at the end of the decline weight bench and lie back positioning your hands in a medium on the barbell. Raise the barbell above your body with straight locked arms.
- In one movement breathe in and slowly lower the barbell until you feel it on your upper chest.
Pause for a second, and in one movement breath out and raise the barbell straight above you with locked arms.
Barbell Bench Press –Recommended: 3 Sets – 4-6 Reps
Muscles worked: Chest
Equipment: Barbell, Weight Bench, Weight Plates
- Lie back on the flat bench and position your hands in a medium grip on the barbell. Raise the barbell above your body with straight locked arms.
- In one movement breathe in and slowly lower the barbell until you feel it on your upper chest.
- Pause for a second, and in one movement breath out and raise the barbell straight above you with locked arms.
If you are a beginner it is recommended you use a spotter, or if no spotter is available then be conservative to the amount of weight used.
Barbell Incline Bench Press –Recommended: 3 Sets – 4-6 Reps
Muscles worked: Chest, Shoulder and Triceps.
Equipment: Barbell, Incline Weight Bench, Weight Plates
- Lie back on the incline bench and position your hands in a medium grip on the Barbell. Raise the barbell above your body with straight locked arms.
- In one movement breathe in and slowly lower the barbell until you feel it on your upper chest.
- Pause for a second, and in one movement breath out and raise the barbell straight above you with locked arms.
If you are a beginner it is recommended you use a spotter, or if no spotter is available then be conservative to the amount of weight used.
- It is recommended you use a spotter, or if no spotter is available then be conservative to the amount of weight used or use a smith machine.
- Be aware of the bar drifting too far forward, when completing each exercise.
- You should always be mindful to keep perfect form, because bad forms and habits that you form now will lead to lack of progress and injury.
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