By: AP On: 4 January 2019

If you have cardio exercise equipment then chances are you have heard of high intensity interval training. If you have ever done interval training then you would also know the great benefits associated with the high intensity workout. Below we will explore high intensity interval training and why you should be doing it.
Like the name suggests it is a highly intense interval workout that is aimed to achieve your fitness goals faster and in less time. Unlike most workouts, that build intensity slowly over an hour, a full interval training session can be achieved within 15 minutes to half an hour.
Interval training is bursts of 10-75 second fast / intensive increments, followed by a brief recovery period. You repeat these intensive increments as many times as you can within the designated time slot and increase the intensity every set. Interval training can be done anywhere anytime with or without exercise equipment.
The aim of each intensive interval is to push yourself to breathlessness for 20 seconds and then recover for 10 seconds. Its likely due to the fast intensity that your body will not fully recover within the 10 seconds. However this is the point as your body will respond quickly to the increased discomfort. If you’re a beginner you should repeat this 3-5 times until your body can handle the intensity. After that you should repeat this 8+ times in a row, before finishing and giving yourself a big break.
Just like all workouts you still need to warm up, stretch, warm down and take breaks throughout the routine. As this is a highly intensive cardio routine you will find that your body will adjust quickly to the intervals and you’ll need less and less recover time. During the recovery interval you can grab a drink, walk around, anything as long as you can get your heart rate down as quickly as possible before the next round.
As interval training can be completed in a small amount of time it is ideal for people who don’t have time spare. If you can only fit in a 15 minute workout then interval training is perfect as long as you push yourself as hard as you can. Interval training is also ideal if you are looking to turn your usual boring routine into something more challenging.
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